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Guided Tour - Present Projects《YeP YeP 1st Issue Exhibition》 
導賞團 — Present Projects《YeP YeP 第一期展覽》

Guided tour for 1a space's JCCALAP Docent Training Workshop as its 3rd season participant.
1a space JCCALAP「藝述」公眾導賞團|藝術與社區 「藝述」導賞員培訓工作坊第三季的學員

How will artwork perform when they are no longer restricted to the 'white cube'? This guided tour introuduces the concept of alternative artspace, and audience will learn how curation help highlighing the essenve of artworks. Presented at Present Projects (currentlyf Current Plans), YeP YeP 1st Exhibition features artists' works that address their relationships with Hong Kong.


當藝術品不再被「白立方」限制,究竟會有怎樣不同的突破?這次導賞團會帶觀眾認識非傳統藝術空間,了解策展怎樣鞏固藝術品的中心思想。今期展覽Present Projects (Current Plans 前身) 與藝術及時裝雜誌yeP yeP 合作,幾位藝術家展出視覺衝激及探索自己與香港的關係的作品。

Special thanks to JCCALAP. Get to know more about YeP YeP 1st Issue Exhibition

特別感謝 JCCALAP更多關於YeP YeP 第一期展覽

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