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Curation -Casualty of Loss
策展 -失衡

Final Project for HART Curatorship Incubation Programme
HART 策展培育計劃成果展

Presented at HART Haus, Casualty of Loss brings together 5 emerging local artists who share their personal encounters, experience or insights in response to their loss through their artistic approaches. This show comprises a variety of mediums, including paintings, sculptures, installation, ceramics and participatory art by Cloris Chong, Nacci Chung, Dallas Lee, Ramila Rai and Ka-Ming Wong. Some works in the show believe that a fitting mental shift and the act of sharing are the coping mechanisms to loss, and other works see loss as a chance to reconnect with oneself or with their loved ones.

在HART Haus展出的《失衡》匯聚了5位新興藝術家: 莊棓喬、鍾詠琳、李穎芝、汪家明和Ramila Rai,以藝術分享她們各自的遭遇、經歷、見解。這次展覽內含多種媒介,包括繪畫、雕塑、藝術裝置、陶瓷和參與藝術。這次參與的藝術家藉由藝術作品向大眾分享她們在經歷不同階段的失衡所衍生的思緒。


More on the official page of Casualty of Loss and HART webpage 

更多在 HART 網頁《失衡》 官方網站 and HART 網頁 

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